Mottez, French manufacturer of industrial products. Specialist in transformation and industrial production.


Isolant trappe d’escalier escamotable

Réf : B509S

Allows perfect insulation for all types of retractable stairs.
It is installed inside the attic to save energy (stair hatches being a significant source of heat loss).

Material : Aluminized insulating foam, 8 mm thick: 5 layers consisting of 2 bubble films (Ø 10 mm of airtight, thermally bonded air) sandwiched between 3 reflective aluminum sheets. Classified M1.
Dimension : For a hatch up to a maximum size of 130 x 70 cm
Opening and closing with a "zipper.
Insulation coefficient. : 1.77 m²·K/W, equivalent to a 60 mm layer of glass wool.
Weight : 1,13 kg

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